"Get Started On Your Health Transformation Today!" 

Transform Your Health & Body with Our Success Blueprint That Has Worked For 1000's Of People For 14+ Years!

Check Out Our Programs HERE!

"I Lost 20 kgs" - Nadia

"I Lost 19.4 kgs" - Chrissy

"I Lost 6 kgs" - Toni

*Results vary depending on individual


Dear Health Seeker! 

Welcome to your journey towards a leaner, fitter and healthier you!

Are you tired of struggling to find the time and motivation to achieve your fitness goals? 

Look no further! Our blueprint for health success is here to help you prioritize your health and well-being, and get in the best shape of your life. 

Our health and fitness coaching gives you expert guidance, personalised support, and all the tools you need to succeed.

Say goodbye to fad diets and endless hours at the gym – it's time to discover a sustainable approach to fitness and health that fits seamlessly into your busy lifestyle.

You might even feel like your own body has betrayed you. You've tried countless diets, meal plans, and workout regimes, but nothing seems to stick. And you’re left asking yourself…

"Why am I still stuck? Why can't I lose the weight?"

It's disheartening. It's frustrating. You’ve grown weary of programs that overpromise and underdeliver. You're at the end of your rope, ready to throw in the towel.

But before you do, I'd like to share something with you. 

We are Jai and Kate. 

A husband and wife team who have dedicated our lives to fitness, nutrition, and healthy living. Like you, we've battled with our own health issues and have been down the road of endless diets and workouts that seemed to lead nowhere. 

We understand your pain because we've been there. We’ve lived the  helpless feeling of being trapped in our own bodies, and the harsh reality of seeing no results despite our best efforts. 

We’ve felt the deep frustration that comes with each failed attempt. But, through our own journey, we discovered the truth about getting slim and toning muscle - a truth that is hidden beneath layers of misconceptions, misleading advertising, and an industry focused more on profits than people. 

After years of research, trial, and error, we've created a health success blueprint that anyone can follow….

This isn't just another program - it's a holistic approach to health, wellness, and getting a toned and slim figure that works in harmony with your body, not against it.

Our approach is different because we understand that every person is unique, and there isn't a "one-size-fits-all" solution. We’ve learned that health success isn’t just about dieting or working out; it’s about creating a balanced lifestyle that works for you.

Our programs are designed to kick-start your metabolism and help you establish habits that lead to sustainable, long-term health.

We don't promise overnight miracles - but what we do promise is a realistic, actionable plan that has worked for countless others just like you.

With us, you won't have to starve yourself or spend endless hours at the gym. Instead, we’ll show you how to incorporate healthy eating habits and efficient workouts into your everyday life.

We’ll guide you to understand your body, to work with it, not against it.

But most importantly, we'll be with you every step of the way, offering guidance, support, and encouragement when you need it most.

It's time to stop the cycle of endless diets and workouts that lead nowhere.

It's time to stop feeling frustrated, disappointed, and lost. It’s time to regain control over your life, and it starts right here, right now.

Together, we can help you shed the kilos, regain your confidence, and reboot your life.

Join us today to speed up your metabolism and get toned and fit in a fast healthy way without having to invest immense amounts of time or effort attempting to navigate it independently.

You have nothing to lose, except for the weight and past failures. Are you ready to take your health to the next level? 

Warm Regards,

Jai & Kate Bazevski

Here's How We Can Deliver
Amazing Results When You Join Us Today!

Included In ALL SQ1 Programs...

  • Tailored Workout Programs For Home Or Gym
  • Custom Macronutrient Diet Plans 

  • Weekly Zoom Education Sessions

  • Access To Our Members Only Fitness App

  • Weekly or Monthly Phone Coaching Calls

  • 24/7 Support & Accountability

Check Out Our Programs HERE!

Our Next 30 Day Slim Challenge Starts On Monday!
(Offer Ending Soon!)










Need Proof? Check Out The Success These Clients Have Had Working With Us!

"I Lost 20 kgs" - Craig

"I Lost 11 kgs" - Kiera

"I Lost 14 kgs" - Hitchie

"I Lost 10 kgs" - Marie

"I Lost 15 kgs" - Eddie

"I Lost 33.3kg" - Lauren

"I Lost 13.1 kgs" - Rob

"I Lost 11.5 kgs" - Mel

"I Lost 6 kgs" - Jen

"I Lost 9.5 kgs" - Bree

"I Lost 20 kgs" - Abdul

"I Lost 8.5 kgs" - Allison

"I Lost 50 kgs" - John

"I Lost 25.2 kgs" - Nicole

"I Lost 15 kgs" - Mike

"I Lost over 10 kgs" - Sam

"I Lost 7 kgs" - Sam

"I Lost Over 10 kgs" - Sandy

"I lost 12 kgs"  - Mary

"I Lost 10 kgs"- James

"I Lost 9 kgs" - Jess

"I Lost 7 kgs" - Rebecca

"I Lost 14 kgs" - Nikki

"I Lost 20 kgs" - Amy

Get Results In 30 Days GUARANTEED Or We Refund You (and you get to keep the program)*

If you follow what we show you to a tee, there’s no doubt you’ll be able to become the healthiest and fittest you've ever been!

We’ve literally got clients working with us right now who are just like you and are toning up the stubborn belly, hip, bum and thigh areas.

If you show up and apply what we show you and still don’t find success… let us know, and we’ll refund you.*
All we ask is that you log your work and go through the training. Ready to get started? 
Join us today and we'll get you set up!